

 Ideoso Lab与熊試驗所為了讓生活更美好,在2010~2011年進行了“為生活而試計畫”,計畫過程我們由人與生活的互動中,觀察出可試驗的微小因子,並由設計解構試驗結果。


In order to create a better life, Ideoso Lab has been working on a project during 2010 to 2011, the “2011 Experimental program for daily life”.  From observing the relation between human and life, we have detected micro factors that we were able to test on and here we conduct experiments result by designing the structure.

The project focuses on three main experiments: Experiment no.1, from observing today’s office survival code, we have created a series of office exercises to bring more oxygen to the working life. Experiment no.2, from the perspective of loving the earth, we remind you the wonderfulness of our surroundings to add more emotions to the living life. Experiment no.3, by observing the way people shop, here we offer an efficient way to make your shopping life easier. Come in to discover how we use our innovative ideas to create a new perspective on lifestyle.

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