IDEOXO belongs to Ideoso Design consultancy Inc., in which we test designing rather from the aspect of human sentiment and cognitive sense, hoping that by this method we can explore the relationship between life and earth.
We confidently interpret our design from a view which carries both experiment and brand-new fun, and hopefully, in a foreseeable future, we can turn our empirical results into merchandises which are to be issued by the brand of Ideoso Lab.
IDEOXO = IDEOSO Design發揮怪點子的實驗設計品牌。
IDEOSO Design巧妙加乘搭配兩者間不同比例,產出各式獨具特色的居家、旅行及個人生活用品。
IDEOSO comes from Spanish, which describes a person who persists in keeping good idea. IDEOXO has been applying a kind of experimental method, observing Taiwanese culture so that it can design and create a product that has the spirit of Taiwan.
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