試驗一 為工作生存而試 An experiment of how to survive in the office
The daily life of the office shows how employees can experience and understand office codes through practice of exercises. An office environment is presented to audiences who can physically touch and use the device to experience the concept.
Going to work on time is a rough road full of barriers.
Barrier no.1, hitting your alarm clock before waking up in the morning.
Barrier no.2, riding your scooter in high speed to pass the red traffic light.
Barrier no.3, squeeze into an elevator filled with your colleagues.
The Rock Climbing time recorder reflects the pressure we face every morning, getting to work on time in order to get bonus, but remember after punching your card… the hard day has just started.
When presenting an idea to a client, you have to walk them through the concept step by step. Every successful story starts from a strong foundation and following essential steps. No matter how perfect your proposal is, one should always embrace the honesty and be proud of exaggerating.
Holding a meeting is like playing Ping Pong, one ball hit back and forth, the key is when to smash, not about who wins or loses.
In the office one need to have a softer attitude, say hi, thank you and goodbye with a bow, turning off the light with another bow is also essential.
Now a days the working load is literally getting heavier, here we measure the working load by feeling its weight. Measuring the number of discs you have burned for your client, you can weigh how much intention you have put on them. We evaluate the ideas and thoughts that you’ve put in a project by weighing the papers that have been used. Feel how much you know by weighing the books that you have in your bookshelf.
Are you tired of having them climbing on your back all the time? Let’s defeat them with your strength!